Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1990 Wetland Restoration Survey University of Michigan Prairie Pothole Region $626.00
1990 Dow, Parrott Ranch - I (CA) The Nature Conservancy Central Valley, California $400,000.00
1990 NAWMP 3rd Step, Louisiana Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Northwest Louisiana $26,666.00
1990 Fisheries News Challenge American Fisheries Society Nationwide $15,000.00
1990 Guy Bradley Award, 1990 Wyoming Game & Fish & S.C. Wildlife Wyoming, South Carolina $2,147.00
1990 NAWMP 3rd Step, Washington Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Northwest Washington $33,334.00
1990 Ferrets and Prairie Dog Research Smithsonian Institution Front Royal, Virginia $15,000.00
1990 NAWMP 3rd Step, Maryland Maryland Department of Natural Resources Southern Eastern Shore, Maryland $200,000.00
1990 Boise River (ID) Observatory Boise River Observatory Southwestern Idaho $20,077.00
1990 US/USSR Conservation Challenge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 9 Alaska, Russia $49,988.00