NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Alaska Fish and Wildlife Fund
Project Title: Surveying and Treating Elodea-Infested Waters in Sucker Lake, southcentral Alaska
Alaska Department of Natural Resources
Project ID:

Eradicate a newly found elodea infestation, an invasive weed that threatens Alaska’s salmon and freshwater resources with wide-ranging ecological and economic consequences, located at the Sucker Lake Complex within the Alexander Creek Watershed. Project will protect treatment sites and survey 20 additional streams for presence-absence data on elodea.

Award Amount:
The Sucker Lake Complex is located within the Alexander Creek Watershed in Southcentral Alaska. The 209,362 acre watershed drains into the Susitna River Basin which drains into the the Cook Inlet. This watershed contains the only two lakes containing Elodea on the West side of the Cooke Inlet.