NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
Natural Resources Partnership Program
Project Title: Advancing Biodiversity Conservation and Diverse Citizen Engagement (MN)
Monarch Joint Venture
Project ID:

Monarch Joint Venture (MJV) will create a MJV learning management system (LMS) with modular components targeted for diverse audiences and different levels of engagement to allow the MJV to offer a much wider range of educational tools, will give it the flexibility to scale up as demand increases, and adapt materials dynamically as the monarch conservation landscape shifts. Through its LMS, the MJV can extend its reach well beyond current capacity and will create a full-suite learning platform that offers MJV partners, stakeholders, and interested individuals a range of pre-recorded and live digital courses, stand-alone videos, trainings, and educator resources that will greatly expand the MJV’s educational scope, thus broadening the organization’s capacity to facilitate monarch conservation in North America.

Award Amount:
St. Paul, Minnesota