NFWF Grant Profile

Conservation Program(s):
National Coastal Resilience Fund
Project Title: Designing Nature-Based Solutions to Build Resiliency in Virginia's Eastern Shore
The Nature Conservancy
Project ID:

Develop final designs for oyster restoration at Hillcrest Shellfish Sanctuary that will minimize salt marsh erosion, increase the footprint of oyster reefs within the sanctuary, and potentially build new small marshes. Project will protect the town of Oyster and provide habitat for finfish, shellfish and migratory birds.

Award Amount:
Oyster (Northampton County, VA) is highly vulnerable to SLR and flooding. Oyster’s creeks and marshes lead across shallow bays protected by marsh and barrier islands to the east. Focus of the proposed project are three eroding marsh islands within Hillcrest Shellfish Sanctuary, protecting Oyster.