Colorado Water Conservation Board
The Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB) has collaborated with NFWF in the ReStORE Colorado Program (Restoration and Stewardship of Outdoor Resources and the Environment). ReStORE establishes funding contributed by multiple partners to fund large restoration projects to improve habitat in Colorado.

The CWCB and NFWF began working together to develop the ReStORE Colorado Program in 2019. The partnership between the CWCB and NFWF aligns with objectives in the CWCB’s Colorado Watershed Restoration Program and Colorado’s Water Plan. Specific areas of interest for the CWCB include restoration and protection of Colorado’s rivers and floodplains. The CWCB also supports watershed health projects designed to support resilient forest ecosystems. The ReStORE program is envisioned as a way for the funders to work together and support larger, more impactful projects. For practitioners completing projects on the ground, ReStORE will serve as a single application and will alleviate the need to apply to each of the partner entities separately for project funding.

RESTORE Colorado Program
RESTORE Colorado funds at-scale habitat restoration and stewardship projects on public and private conservation lands in Colorado that have the greatest benefit for wildlife and local communities. RESTORE Colorado is a partnership among NFWF and Great Outdoors Colorado, the Gates Family Foundation, Colorado Department of Natural Resources, Colorado Parks and Wildlife and the Colorado Water Conservation Board.
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