The Chicago Community Trust
The Chicago Community Trust supports the Chi-Cal Rivers Fund, which invests in the health and vitality of the communities, waterways and natural resources of the Chicago/Calumet regions.

The Chicago Community Trust and NFWF began working together to improve the health, vitality and accessibility of the waterways in the Chicago and Calumet regions by supporting green stormwater infrastructure, habitat enhancement and public-use improvements through the Chi-Cal Rivers Fund in 2013. To date, the program has increased stormwater storage capacity by 5.3 million gallons, enhanced 2,040 acres of riparian, wetland and upland habitat, and added or improved 92 acres of public park and green space.
This conservation partnership supports NFWF’s efforts to improve habitat and water quality throughout the bi-national Great Lakes region through stream and riparian habitat restoration, wetland and upland habitat restoration, invasive species control and green stormwater infrastructure for the benefit of both wildlife and communities.