Is the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation a federal agency?
No. Although NFWF was chartered by Congress it is a private, nonprofit, tax-exempt organization. NFWF works closely with several federal agencies and re-grants federal funds.
Are all NFWF awards federal?
No. NFWF awards matching grants utilizing federal funds provided by annual Congressional appropriations and agreements with federal agencies. These agencies include the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Natural Resource Conservation Service Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency, and USDA-Forest Service. NFWF also receives and awards contributions from select foundations, corporations, and other non-federal entities.
Where can I learn more about managing awards of federal funds?
The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (e-CFR) provides a regularly-updated compilation of CFR material and Federal Register amendments. Click here to access 2 CFR 200 - Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (also known as the Uniform Guidance).
Do all applicants need to submit a pre-proposal?
No. This requirement varies, depending upon the program.
Can I submit the same proposal for multiple programs?
No. Please submit only one application for your project for the program that best fits your scope of work. If the project does not meet the criteria for the program selected, NFWF staff may move it to a different program(s).
Does NFWF fund the acquisition of interests in real property?
Yes. However, opportunities vary depending upon the nature of the program and its funding source(s). Please review the program description carefully for more information related to allowable costs in proposed budgets. Information on additional requirements for acquisition of interests of real property may be found here.
Are there activities or line items that NFWF will not fund?
This may vary depending upon the program's funding sources. However regardless of the program, NFWF does not fund political advocacy or litigation of any kind shortfalls in government agency budgets general administrative overhead or general administrative overhead.
Does NFWF only fund projects in the United States?
No. NFWF funds projects throughout the United States and its territories. Projects in Canada, Mexico, and other international areas that host migratory wildlife and other U.S. trust resources (marine mammals, threatened and endangered species, anadromous and marine fish) are also considered.
What are Matching Grants?
Congress mandates that each federal dollar NFWF awards is leveraged with a non-federal dollar or equivalent goods and services. NFWF refers to these contributions as "matching contributions." As a policy, NFWF seeks to achieve at least a 2:1 return on its project portfolio -- $2 raised in matching contributions to every federal dollar awarded. To be eligible, matching contributions must be:
Non-federal in origin (federally appropriated or managed funds are ineligible; e.g. Pittman-Robertson, Dingell-Johnson, Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act);
Raised and dedicated specifically for the project;
Spent between the project start and end dates designated in the grant application;
Voluntary in nature (mitigation, restitution, or other permit or court-ordered settlements are ineligible); and
Applied only to the NFWF grant and not to any other federal matching programs.
If you have questions concerning your application, please contact the staff member listed in your RFP. You can also email info@nfwf.org.