Pre-Proposal Summary
Below is an outline of the content of the Foundation's baseline pre-proposal application. Depending upon the funding opportunity there may be minor variations in required fields. This is to help applicants prepare for on-line submission; do not submit this document to the Foundation. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Organizational Information
Organization Name *
EIN/Tax ID *
City *
State/Province * (choose from a picklist)
Country * (choose from a picklist)
Type * (choose from a picklist)
Primary Contact Information
Name *
Position Title
Address *
Phone *
Email *
Project Information
Grant Amount Being Requested from NFWF *
Matching Amount Proposed *
Projected Grant Start Date *
Projected Grant End Date *
Project Title/Name * - Limit to 300 characters (including spaces)
Two Sentence Project Description * - Limit to 1000 characters (including spaces)
Summarize the long-term outcome(s) of the Project * - Limit to 200 characters (including spaces)
Project Location Description * - Limit to 300 characters (including spaces)
Pre-proposal Narrative Upload *
This is a Word document that is downloaded by the applicant, completed and then uploaded back up into the application. This document is subject to change depending upon the funding opportunity. The baseline instructions are as follows:
Writing Instructions: Please provide a two-page narrative that elaborates on the long-term conservation outcome(s) summarized previously; the major threats and/or opportunities you will address to achieve the outcome(s); the measurable result(s) you plan to achieve to address these threats/opportunities and how you will measure progress; and a brief description of your strategy (activities) for achieving project outcomes and where you are in their planning and implementation.
Matching Contributions
For each matching contribution, the following information is required:
Matching Contribution Amount *
Matching Contribution Type * (choose from a picklist)
Matching Contribution Source *
Matching Contribution Source Type * (choose from a picklist)
Matching Contribution Status * (choose from a picklist)
Matching Contribution Description/Notes * - Limit to 200 characters (including spaces)
If you have questions concerning your application, please contact the staff member listed in your RFP. You can also email info@nfwf.org.