Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1995 Cedar Hill Children's Fishing Pond U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeastern Texas $4,839.00
1995 Planning Sustainable Conservation Projects Center for Natural Lands Management California $20,000.00
1995 Willamette River (OR) Floodway Project River Network Northwest Oregon $40,000.00
1995 Mary's River - IV Bureau of Land Management, Elko Field Office Elko County, northeastern Nevada $2,533.00
1995 Iowa River Floodplain Acquisition U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Region 3 Iowa River Floodplain $1,047,145.00
1995 Deer Creek Riparian Fencing Project Deer Creek Watershed Conservancy Sacramento Valley, California $21,450.00
1995 Grizzly/Human Conflict Reduction-II Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks Montana $11,500.00
1995 Tiger Conservation Management Project Minnesota Zoo Foundation United States, International $150,647.00
1995 Great Salt Lake (UT) Wetlands Preservation The Nature Conservancy Great Salt Lake, Utah $60,000.00
1995 Avian Diversity in Yellowstone Montana State University Montana, Wyoming, Idaho $9,500.00