Grants Library

The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation supports vital conservation projects across the United States and its territories. Please search our grants library for additional information on individual grants.

Year Name Organization Location Award Amount
1995 Community-Based Watershed Protection Georgia Conservancy Chattahoochee, Flint, and Ogeechee River Basins, Georgia $25,000.00
1995 Machias River Salmon Restoration U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Machias River watershed, Downeast Maine $5,500.00
1995 Landbird Monitoring in Idaho-II Turnstone Ecological Research Associates, Ltd. Northern Idaho $15,000.00
1995 Crooked River CREEC-III Trout Unlimited, Inc. Upper Deschutes Basin, central Oregon $21,600.00
1995 Black Crown Marsh (IL) Acquisition Illinois Audubon Society McHenry and Lake counties, Illinois $100,000.00
1995 Klamath (OR) Restoration The Nature Conservancy South-central Oregon $54,357.00
1995 Junior Duck Stamp Wisconsin Waterfowl Association Statewide Wisconsin $250.00
1995 National Park Rare Species Restorations National Park Foundation Tennessee, Colorado, California $40,000.00
1995 National Science Fair Award - V U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Canada $525.00
1995 Walrus and Human Impacts U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Round Island, Bristol Bay, Alaska $15,000.00