Bonneville Power Administration
Bonneville Power Administration supports a regional initiative to improve river and stream flows in the Columbia Basin.

In partnership with the Bonneville Power Administration and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, NFWF has supported an innovative, grassroots, incentive- based program to improve stream flows for at-risk fish throughout Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. The Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program, founded in 2002, is the first regional effort of its kind in the United States to enhance flows in tributaries through cooperative partnerships between flow restoration practitioners and farmers and ranchers.
The program supports a combination of practices to restore instream flows to key Columbia Basin tributaries that support important anadromous and resident fish populations. NFWF is working to better align flow improvement investments with other priority habitat restoration efforts supported by private and public entities in the region.

Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program
The Columbia Basin Water Transactions Program (CBWTP) was developed in 2002 to address chronically diminished stream flows in tributaries of the Columbia River.
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