Indirect Cost Calculator
The National Fish and Wildlife Foundation is providing the Indirect Cost Calculator tool to assist applicants with calculating the allowable amount of indirect costs that can be included in proposal budgets, as applicable. Use of the tool is entirely optional. The version and contents of the tool will be updated periodically.
Applicants are encouraged to use the version of the Indirect Cost Calculator posted on NFWF’s website (instead of saving a version to your computer) to ensure that any changes to calculation methodologies are captured. If you have further questions about the Indirect Cost Calculator, contact your program lead or assigned Grants Administrator.
You will need to know your organization’s applicable indirect cost base (or MTDC), the applicable indirect rate, and proposal budget in US dollar values. To use the tool, simply open the link below and follow steps 1-2 as indicated. Based on the information entered, the indirect cost amount will populate in green text in the bottom left corner of the page.