SeaWorld supports the Killer Whale Conservation Program as it works to recover the Southern Resident killer whale population in the Pacific Northwest.

Since 2015, SeaWorld Parks and Entertainment has worked with NFWF on marine and coastal conservation issues and was the lead sponsor for the establishment of the Killer Whale Conservation Program. The program works to increase Chinook salmon, the Southern Resident killer whale population’s primary prey base, to increase the quality of killer whale habitat in the Puget Sound/Salish Sea region and to reduce critical gaps in knowledge needed for the effective management of this declining population.
In the first six years, the program has awarded 38 grants totaling $4.4 million, drawing an additional $8.4 million in grantee match for a total conservation investment of more than $12.8 million. These awards have fostered collaborative efforts in all three strategies partnering science with management action and restoration activities. NFWF has taken a comprehensive food-web approach to recovering this apex predator and works with state and transboundary management to implement recovery actions.

Killer Whale Conservation Program
The Killer Whale Conservation Program supports efforts to advance the knowledge and conservation of killer whales with a primary focus on activities that aid in the recovery of the Southern Resident killer whale Distinct Population Segment. The program may also support catalytic projects in other killer whale populations.
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